Thrifted, vintage & affordable outfit inspiration
3 Stylish Ways To Wear Red Suspenders

3 Stylish Ways To Wear Red Suspenders

3 Stylish Ways To Wear Red Suspenders | www.theoutfitrepeater.comHow To Wear Red Suspenders

I’m back by popular request with another round-up of women’s outfits using suspenders!

This time there’s an extra challenge – the suspenders are the color RED!

I thrifted these red suspenders shortly after my last blog post because I was still in the creative head space to try styling them.

I had a lot of fun brainstorming and coming up with new ideas to share with you.

At last, I’ve photographed all the outfits and can present to you 3 outfit ideas for colorful suspenders.

I hope these inspire you to create some colorful outfits in your own closet!


Wearing Red Suspenders With Complementary Colors

The main function of suspenders is to hold up a pair of trousers so it’s an obvious choice to wear them with denim!

I chose a pair of thrifted gaucho shorts for a fun, exaggerated look. Then I added a berry print top to pull in the red color of the suspenders and help tie everything together.

Couldn’t you just picture wearing this to go apple picking or on an old-fashioned summer outing?!

Wearing Red Suspenders With The Same Color

My favorite way to style these red suspenders is with a pair of red palazzo pants. I love how they created an overall effect! And who wouldn’t want to own a pair of red overalls?!

I continued the red theme with a vintage ringer tee and balanced everything out with white sneakers.

The look is a little juvenile but playful. I felt like I should be hosting a children’s TV series!

Wearing Red Suspenders With A Rainbow Skirt

Last but not least, I revisited wearing red suspenders with a skirt. I love this thrifted rainbow striped skirt I bought on thredUP – it goes with everything!

I leaned into the retro effect that was created and donned a plain white t-shirt, chunky red high heels, and a polka dot scarf around my neck.

What I Learned From Wearing Suspenders

Now that I’ve got two blog posts about wearing suspenders under my belt (no pun intended), I’ve learned a few things along the way!

First, it helps to have someone around to clip them in place. I didn’t personally struggle with this because of my Ehler-Danlos Syndrome but could see how it could hinder someone else!

I would also recommend playing with the adjustments to find a length you’re comfortable with.

Finally, a few of you weighed in on my last post and had suggestions for how to wear suspenders if you have a larger bust. Y’all recommended buying suspenders with a much wider strap and a long length so it stretches over the girls, or wearing ordinary suspenders to the sides of your chest.

It’s also worth considering the shape of your shoulders and their slope. If they’re very sloped AND you have a big bust, then you’ll have a trickier time overall with suspenders.

If you have any additional comments to share, please let me know! I’m open to learning from you!


What are your favorite ways to wear suspenders? Be sure to Pin your favorite outfits from this post!

3 Stylish Ways To Wear Red Suspenders |



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September 6, 2023 8:47 am

Matching colors look best with red! With black suspenders you can mix it up more IMHO.
I think straps about an inch look best. How thick are those Hannah?

Are you wearing suspenders more in everyday life after styling for us? I think you totally should

What do you think of this? Let me know!x